We allow teams to pick the 1RM estimate that they prefer and we also offer the ability to set a "Rep cut off".
Head over to ADMIN -> Settings -> Strength.
From here you can specify what 1RM estimate to use for the platform.
Estimates that we support are:
Brzycki : weight * (36 / (37 - reps))
Epley : weight * (1 + 0.0333 * reps)
Lander : (100 * weight) / (101.3 - 2.67123 * reps)
Lombardi : (weight * reps)^0.1
Mayhew : (100 * weight) / (52.2 + (41.9 * exp(-0.055) * reps))
O'Conner : weight * (1 + 0.025 * reps)
Wathan : (100 * weight) / (48.8 + (53.8 * exp(-0.075) * reps))
We also offer a rep cut off. As with all these estimates, their accuracy lowers the higher the rep count goes. So we provide the ability to define a cut off so any sets completed with reps higher then the cut off will not be attributed to any 1RM calculations.
If we take an example using the Bryzycki formula:
Projected Max = Weight Lifted x (36 / (37 - Reps completed))
For example, if an athlete completed 100kg for 3 reps:
Projected Max = 100 kg x (36 / (37 - 3)) = 105.88 kg
In the programmer, we take the highest calculated projected max as the athletes "Max weight" when prescribing in terms of %1RM. Using the above example, a lift at 80% 1RM would be:
Weight Prescribed = 105.88 kg * 0.8 = 84.7 kg