Connecting Arc and SPT
The SPT Integration utilises Arc's importer.
Firstly, export the data you wish to import from SPT.
For an in-depth explanation of how to do this visit:
Via the link above you can also see an example of how the data looks when exported.
To import the .csv or .xls file into Arc navigate to Apps > Importers.
Next click on the "Import" button in the SPT row.
This will take you to the importer window.
Either click on the field or drag and drop the file straight into the field from your computer's file explorer.
Arc then places the file in a pending state where you can preview how the data will be imported.
By clicking on the dropdown on New rows you can view:
New Rows - Data that isn't in Arc that will be imported.
Updated Rows - Data that has previously been imported but some element has changed, for example, you edited an error.
Invalid Rows - These rows have an issue with the data and won't be imported. Hover over the Warning icon to see what the issue is.
Failed Rows - This data could not be ingested into this stage of the process.
If you are happy with the preview click on "Confirm and Import".
Linking Arc and SPT Athletes
The first time a user's data is ingested through an importer the Admin needs to link SPT and Arc athletes.
This step is to ensure the data from the athlete in one platform belongs to the same athlete in the other.
Firstly go to Admin > Importers. Find the SPT Integration and then click "Configure".
Arc will automatically link users with the same name on both platforms.
Otherwise, click on "Link to User", and select the athlete from the list of SPT athletes you want to link to the selected Arc athlete.