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Vald Integrations

How to set up your team's Vald Integrations

James Mckechnie avatar
Written by James Mckechnie
Updated over a week ago

Integrating Arc Platform & Vald Data

Integrating your Arc platform with your Vald data allows easier analysis of force tests conducted with the Vald product range.


Currently, Arc supports the following Vald products:

  • Vald ForceDecks

  • Vald Hub, which includes:

    • Vald ForceFrame

    • Vald NordBord

To link, Vald requires manual authorisation between Vald, Lumin and your team. Contact us via the support widget and we can help start the process. Alternatively you can email Vald directly and link us into the email to begin the integration process. See below for more information.

Receiving Data in Arc

Once authorised, Arc will automatically pull Vald data three times per day. The first time Arc pulls data for your team, it will pull the last 12 months of your historic data. Following that, Arc will continue pulling any new data, as well as historic data that may have been updated in Vald.

If you wish to pull a larger window of historic data, please contact us via the support widget.

Linking Athletes

The final step is to link Vald athletes with Arc athletes. Typically, Arc will link your athletes automatically, if it detects a close match in names between platforms. In cases where Arc does not find a match, you can manually link athletes via: Admin > Integrations > Configure.

Note that Vald has a seperate list of athletes for Vald ForceDecks and Vald Hub. Please ensure you configure your Arc athletes in both integrations if you are using both Vald ForceDecks and Vald Hub.

On the Vald ForceDecks/Hub page, you will see a list of your Arc athletes and whether or not they are linked to a Vald athlete. For athletes that need to be manually linked, click the dropdown, manually select the athlete's name as it appears in Vald and click save.

After linking an athlete, Arc will begin linking Vald data to their Arc profile. This process may take 5 - 10 minutes, depending on the amount of Vald data that needs to be linked.

Emailing Vald Directly

If you want to email Vald directly to kick things off faster edit the email template below and send it to and cc our support email into the email.



I am from [Enter Team Name].

We are using Lumin Sports to collect and analyse our athlete data.

Can you please give the Lumin Sports account API access to all our Vald accounts.

I have cc'd Lumin into the conversation for any troubleshooting in the future.



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